
My Great E-Book 无价之宝 is on sale but is almost free now! 在此出售!

Knowledge is priceless;
especially the one that can make good and godlike money from any casinos with fair games.

Chapter One 第一章
After the Industrial Revolution about a hundred years ago, new scientific inventions have emerged by leaps and bounds.后工业革命之百多年来 ,科学发明日新月异。 With the emergence of the latest multi-gigabytes Memory Chips, human beings can do a lot of wonderful things and astounding deeds now.自从有了以亿计位数记忆 晶片后,人类更如虎添翼了 。 But, do you know is there a formula to get rid of the foul stinky stench of a person's body? 但是,您可知道有一个去除 体臭的方程式否? In Chemistry, Hydrogen gas + Oxygen gas ===> Water liquid is so easy to remember but is hard to put it into real practice. 在化学科里,氢气+氧气== =>水是多么容易地记住但却没那么样简单易行。
Not long ago, there was a case in the Republic of Singapore.不久前,在新加坡就发 生一件不怎么平凡的事情。 A European father and his young three year-old child were squeezing themselves in a public transport system. 一位洋老大带着一位三岁的 孩子家挤进繁忙时段拥挤不 堪的公共交通系统里。 The young child's sensitive and innocent nose came across some stinky stench;那天真小伙子的灵敏鼻子就闻到了一股臭味儿; the child asked innocently, "Daddy, what was that horrible smell? ..." 小孩子就天真地问,"爹爹 ,哪是什么臭味?。。。" The father gave his child a very genuine answer but had cost him to lose his job in Singapore. 父亲给了孩子家一个很正确 的答案但却让他失去了新加 坡的工作。
Personally, I also very often encounter some very young people with coats and ties on but very stinky bodies; male and female alike. 本人也时常在公共场所遇到 衣冠楚楚的男女老少但却嗅 到汗臭和狐臭味。 They are supposed to be quite highly educated by looking at their outward appearances, garments or uniforms, but how come they are still so ignorant of their own stinky stench bodies? 从他或她们的衣襟来看,他 或她们都是有识之士,但却 对自己的体臭无知呢? They definitely know the mentioned water making chemical formula, but how come their school teachers never taught them a way to get rid of the bad foul smell on their personal bodies? 他或她们绝对懂得制水的化 学方程式, 但为什么学校的老师们都没 有教他或她们一个很简单的 方法来去除体臭呢?
Like most of the people do, at the beginning I also shunned away quietly from the smelly persons. 起初跟大多数人一样,我自 动地闪开有恶臭体味的人。 But later like now, I tried some excuses to help other to bring fresh scent back from their stinky stench bodies. 但现在,在常见之下 ,我会找个藉口来让人家 得回不恶心的体香。
Normally, either a good smell or a bad smell, it takes lesser than two minutes to numb the powerful and sensitive smelling nerve sensory cells. 在普通情况之下,臭味或是 香味在两分钟之内就能使一 个人的嗅觉细胞弄麻木了。 After a long time to come, a person will become not sensitive to that typical smell, be it good or bad! 久而久之,那个人就会对某 种常嗅的味道失去了知觉, 是香或是臭,就不得而知了 ! Especially for the young children that are brought up in a stinky and smelly environment, most of them will be deprived of their sensitive smelling power later. 尤其是从年幼时被长期浸泡 在异味中而后则失去灵敏的 嗅觉。 Latest medical discovery has mentioned that certain types of fragrance will be very harmful to one's health; how about offensive smell then? What is the meaning of 'offensive' ? It means it may cause harmful results. 最新的医学 发现是很多香味 对人体是多有害的; 那臭味儿呢?在英语里用的 侵犯味呢?'侵犯'是什么 意思呢?它是会有害的。
For the sake of making your loved ones to live healthier than ever before, did anyone of your school teachers teach or mention to you the simplest way to remove the stinky stench? 为了让您亲爱的大小老少活 得比以前更健康,有否一个 您的前老师教您或提过一个 最简单易行的除臭方法? Definitely your answer is no like mine! 您的答案绝对没有地像我的!
As you know, the chemical formula to get water from the chemical reaction is quite simple to be instilled in your brain, but to put it into reality is quite tough, right? 如您所知,造水的化学方程 式是易记但却难行,对吗?
By now, you might have become very impatient to know the best de-odourising method that no one had ever told you before and you might have spent quite a high portion of your salary for some not effective perfume products.到此刻,您一定会不耐 烦地想知道一个最好的且没 人告诉过您的但只有让您花 了一大半薪金的除臭香精产 品。 Or even some greedy doctors might advise you to remove the sweat glands under your armpits. 或者还有一些贪心的医师还 鼓励您去割除您腋下的汗腺 。 To emphasize my points about the school teachers and doctors, my main purpose is to minimize the impact of your pay for my book, and I hope that you would follow strictly my formula of Deodourant to prove my sincerity towards my fellowmen. 本人用老师和医生来提醒大 家的主要目的是要减少您付 给本电子书的冲击力,并且 希望您能紧随着我的除臭方 程式来证明本人对乡亲的一 些儿诚意。
Do you wash your own clothing, garments, towels, stockings, bed sheets or any other types of fabrics? 您有否亲自洗自己的衣服, 毛巾,袜子,被单或任何纤 维物? How to wash them cleaned of foul stench and can last for a week to put on without the stench returning?怎样来洗去臭味而又能 穿上一个星期又无臭味复返 呢? Most youngsters just dumped the washable materials into the modern washing machines and then dried them out just in an hour's time ready to be put on again; this definitely will emit offensive stench just after an hour of putting the garments on! The foul smell will become more and more stinky then. 很多年轻有为的人只把衣物 扔进高科技的洗衣机里弄了 一个多小时就可以穿出街了 ;穿不到一个小时就臭气 熏天了!而且会愈来愈臭。
Chapter Two 第二章
本人在书内会教您如何在未 孕前就能确定您所要的婴儿 性别。Since the existence of mankind, male descendants are more exalted than female ones. There were more kings than queens in the recorded history of mankind. 自从有人类以来,男性后裔 总是被崇宠高过女性。男皇 帝总是多过女皇帝的历史性 就是个好证据。
In some parts of the world not very long ago, with the implementation of one child policy, female infants were heard to have been buried alive as soon as they left their mother's wombs. 不久之前在世界的某个地方 ,女婴一出世就被一家一孩 子政策活埋了。 For the prevention of such human tragedies to prevail further in this computerized era, if there is a formula to determine freely at will the gender of a baby before pregnancy, then there will be no more any infant killings. 以防此人间悲惨事件继续在 这电脑时代连续不断,如果 有一个在未孕前就能确定生 男或生女的秘诀,那杀婴的 事件就不会再有了。 How wonderful then will be the history of mankind in the future?那人类的历史将变 得多有生趣?
I am going to tell you the formula, it definitely will benefit you a lot. 在书里会有一个秘方,它能 让您得益万千。
Chapter Three 第三章
本人会教您如何在有生之年 能自由自在地赚入神圣的钱 。 After you have paid some minimal subscriptions for my first two chapters' unprecedented formulae, I can guarantee you that they are the most useful information that can benefit you for a whole life time.
But I still feel that there is one more quite important material that I should remind you; that is 'money'. At the right moment when you have come into existence in this world provided that you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you cannot escape from the clutch of money. Most people have to work from day to night or from night to day, day after day, night after night, day by day, night by night, toil and moil, month after month, year after year, till the day when their hairs on their heads turned grey and their teeth dropped; at last, fell sick and possibly be hospitalized for some unknown reasons, then the hard earned money definitely will be emptied by some unscrupulous medicinal personnel or organizations. So miserable and pitiable indeed for the hard working persons that never come to a good end!
Drinking indulgently, feasting sumptuously, adultery and gambling are the four most enjoyable feats in the life of mankind. When you have come to a certain age, you will lose the ability to enjoy the first three types of vice or enjoyments; if you do not enjoy the fourth one, then it will be almost the end of your enjoyable lifespan!
For me, gambling is my hobby since I was six years old. I do not have to scheme against others and cheat others or malinger in a job to earn a meager sum of salary.
If you are interested in making decent money from any casinos, I could give you my highly confidential formula or method if you can contact me personally later after you have proved and realized my trustworthiness in the last two chapters of my electronic book.

       本人为男性新加坡人,现要 征求一到两位任何国籍男性 合伙人。
       本人保证此交易乃合法性的 ,绝无虚假欺诈的成份。

      或电邮 就在此链。

For the elimination of stinky odour of the body or garments, there is a very simple way that has never been taught by your school teachers but is here...For further details, you are a lucky one to come to my site but you have to buy My Great E-Book on sale now!
为了去除体臭或衣物的恶 臭,这里有一个很简单但学 校老师却都没有教的方法.. .若是要知道更多细节,幸 运的您可以用 我的电子书 ,它已在卖了 !
      For a lawful casino gaming executed by me, you may choose to give me a commission of 20% of any winning that I have obtained for you after we have divided evenly the gain or loss on any transactions; simply means that any one of you can receive only 80% of your shared divided winnings. 在一间合法的赌场里由本人所下之注,您可选择在赢的钱里给本人两成的佣金,而余下之八成则是由合伙人平分。For example, if the total winning is three thousand dollars for the two of us, I will get 1800 dollars. If there were three of us, I would get 1400 dollars only. But if there was a loss of 3000 dollars, I would have to pay out 1500 dollars for the two of us or 1000 dollars for the three-man partnership. 例如,若咱俩总赢现金是三千元的话,本人就得一千八百元。若是三人合伙,本人只可得一千四百元而已。但若是输了三千元的话,本人就得在两人内出一千五百元或在三人伙中出款一千元了。 The 20% commission is based on a fifty-fifty shared partnership only; the commission may be reduced to 10% finally for every 10% of reduction in the partnership. Definitely you are free to reduce your share daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or permanently. 那两成的佣金是根据五成对五成的合伙方式来算的;两成的佣金将以每降一成合伙股而逐降至一成为最低点。 Guaranteed you that it is a lawful and genuine business or transaction for a very long term cooperation. 本人保证此合作乃合法性的及长期性的。 Contact Robin at +6598671203 可联络老兵于 +6598671203 or
just click here to send me any messages on goodwill purposes.或按此 链以电邮联系本人。

知识是无价之宝;尤其 是在各赌场里能赚赢到圣 洁的钱。
Purely of Chinese characters.纯中文字体。